Viktor Schwarcz
Film, offline and online editor and colorist
Practical experience and list of movies:
2004-2005 – work in ČT (engineer ČT24)
2005-2007 - work in ČT (editor and online-editor – Avid Media composer)
2005-2015 - Assistant of editor: Prachy dělaj člověka, Maharal, Tajnosti , Bathory, Edisoni (TV serie), Vlna, Crashroad, Bobule, Lištičky, Stínu neutečeš, Zemský ráj to napohled, Fotograf, Cyril a Metoděj, Můj pes Killer a Poupata
2005-2014, Editor (live and offline) on TV projects: Big Brother, Vyvolení, SuperStar a X faktor (on Vyvolení as daily Director)
2005 – Color correction on the serie Ordinace v růžové zahradě
2008 – Document editing Neposedné nohy Roberta Fulguma
2008 – Assistant of editor, online and graphic Proces H (2009)
2005-2012 – editor and online-editor Kosmopolis (ČT).
2010-2020 - Assistant of editor at Asfalt s.r.o. (Autopohadky and many other advertisments)
2010-2014 - Assistant of editor at Avion. (Singles, Polski Film, Hranaři, Czech made man and many ads)
2011-2012 Document editing Rok Konopí
2015 - Editor as freelancer: Cesta kolem vinic, Natura
2015-2019 Working at Signalgenerator s.r.o. and MediaOffline s.r.o as editor on Planeta 3000 Filipíny, Cinematipy
2016/2017 – Editor on series Přístav, SuperStar, Noc hvězd, Popelky; Grading Výměna manželek Editor The myth of Karma, Editor DJ WICH v Lucerně, Cirqueon (theatricals), Assistant Director StubHub, Video projections Lucie (last 5 concerts), 13. komnata, Cinematipy
2018/2019 Vivaldiano reloded, Žebřík - 25 let, Bernstain mass, Soundtrack Poděbrady, O 10 let mladší, Spolu jsme silnější (Slavia), Krajina v tísni, Výroční ceny OSA, Robinsonův ostrov, Certicon.
2019/2020 Datalab and editor engineer PFX


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